No one can correctly predict, how, when, and where a fire could break out. From any of the fire safety regulations and equipment requirements, the fire extinguisher plays an essential role in fire protection; which is why you must always make sure it is in good, working condition.
Here is what you need to know about fire extinguisher maintenance.
To make sure your fire extinguisher is maintained correctly, you will need to check whether it undergoes regular inspection. These inspections of your extinguisher must be conducted by a certified and professional fire safety service individual. If there will be any fault, they will repair it or advise it to install new fire extinguishers.
An extinguisher should be tested at least once a month to monitor its working condition. The manual that comes with the fire extinguisher will have instructions on how to test it, and while checking it, you should make sure it can be handy in tackling any fire situations throughout your property. Extinguishers gets service and test it every 6 months according to AS/1851 Australia standard.
Fire extinguisher recharge
If any extinguishers were used, even partially, they will need to be recharged after use to ensure they are ready to be used again in the future.
Get Commercial and Residential Fire Protection from Australian Fire Protection
Australian Fire Protection can help with all of your fire safety and equipment service needs. We have the equipment and experience to provide fire extinguisher services and. To get a quote for your fire extinguisher service, get in touch with us.
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