Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760: 2010 is the relevant standard for the safety inspection and testing of electrical appliances. For the construction industry, AS/NZS 3012:2010 is the primary standard, and should be read in conjunction with AS/NZS 3760:2010. The VWA are keen to see Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760:2003 applied in Victorian workplaces. For every workplaces to fulfill its duty of care obligations under the Victorian OHS Act 1985 to provide a safe and healthy workplace the requirements of AS 3760:2003 should, as a matter of best practice, be implemented. The Standard specifies procedures for the safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment. This applies to:
Portable, hand held and stationary appliances, designed for connection to the low voltage (240v) supply by a flexible cord (including the cord). This includes for example, portable power tools, machine tools that are not hard wired, soldering irons, welding machines, CD players, computers and other office equipment, sewing machines, kitchen appliances such as fridges, microwaves, ovens etc. This also includes items brought to work by staff for use in the workplace, such as toasters, irons, fan heaters, fans etc.
Extension leads and power boards.
Residual Current Devices (RCDs) of all types. An RCD (also known as safety switch) is a mechanical switch device designed to make, carry or break currents under normal service conditions. It opens the contacts when the residual current rises too high.
Portable electrical equipment that is moved while in operation, eg. floor polishers, vacuum cleaners, etc.
Electrical equipment that is moved between operations in such a manner that could damage the flexible supply lead, eg. overhead projectors, laptop computers, power boards, woodwork/hand tools, drills, etc. (Information from Noel Arnold & Assoc)
Over recent months, the fire brigade has experienced an increase in the number of fires caused by electrical power boards. The origin of these fires has been identified as the misuse of electrical power boards.
What Is Electrical Testing And Tagging?
Electrical test and tagging is the process of checking the electrical appliances for their safety and efficacy to avoid minor to severe hazards at the workplace. As per the Occupational Health and Workplace Safety act introduced on 1st Jan 2012, employers should ensure that their employees get a safe workplace. This means all electrical appliances should be safe to use for the employees. Australian Standard AS/NZS 3760:2010 has been defined for the safety inspection and testing of electrical appliances.
Which Industries Need To Test And Tag?
Every company needs to ensure that all their office equipment is safe to use for their employees. Construction, demolition, and the mining industries have a legislative obligation to get the electrical testing and tagging done for all their electrical appliances once every three months. While other sectors may not have a legislative requirement to teat and tag their devices, it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the safety of its employees. The employer could be liable if any employee gets hurt from an appliance that was tested to be unsafe.
Which Appliances Need To Be Tested And Tagged?
Any electrical appliance that can be plugged in needs to be tested and tagged, including all the power tools, computers, heaters, floor polishers and many more. All Plug-in adapters and safety switches also need to be tested. All appliances in a fixed location but have a flexible supply lead also need to be tested. Residual Current Devices (RCDs) should also be tested. A detailed list of appliances is mentioned in the standard AS/NZS 3760. Electrical testing and tagging are required for not-for-profit organisations, community centres, and clubs.
Who Can Do Electrical Testing And Tagging?
As per AS/NZS 3760:2010, a person who has taken a “test and tag” course and learns to use a PAT tester is considered suitable for testing and tagging. Australia fire protection offers comprehensive services for equipment servicing and management. Experts at AFP ensure that all the appliances are carefully tagged and tested as per the standards laid down under AS/NZS 3760:2010.