When it comes to preparing schools against fire, you don’t want to leave any stone unturned. From elementary schools to the college campus, lack of fire safety measures can put a lot of young lives at stake in case a fire breaks out. Having a proper fire protection system and safety measure in place is crucial to ensure the students and teachers stay safe and unharmed if a fire accident occurs at the school premises.
Here, we have listed down four types of fire protection systems that are essential for schools to contain the fire and loss of young lives:
1. Fire Sprinklers – Fire sprinklers play a crucial role in putting out the fire before it starts spreading. But, it is important that these sprinkles are in functional condition to prevent massive casualties. Therefore, it is recommended to get the fire sprinkles tested and inspected regularly to ensure they work without any glitches during an emergency.
2. Fire Suppression System – Fire suppression can prove to be quite resourceful and useful for many parts of the school where there is a higher risk of water damage to the expensive equipment. The suppression systems are ideal for science labs and kitchen. Equipping the kitchens with industry-grade hood is one of the ways to ensure the cooking fire is contained, quickly and easily. Additionally, the chemical concoctions in the lab can react unpredictably due to heat and fire causing massive damage to lives and property. Hence, it is essential to install a premium-quality fire suppression system in the science lab.
3. Fire Alarms – Though, an indirect form of fire protection, these alarms are incredibly crucial. They don’t prevent the fire from starting or spreading, but it notifies people at an early stage, helping them to evacuate the premises before the fire can cause any damage. Again, fire alarms should be tested and inspected regularly to ensure they function efficiently during an emergency.
4. Fire Extinguishers – Even a small fire can take a ferocious form if it’s not controlled in time. Therefore, it is important to have portable fire extinguishers at different locations in your school. They are the most critical fire fighting equipment that helps you restrict the damage. Moreover, it is vital that all staff and faculty are trained to use the extinguishers properly.
Having fire protection systems in place is pivotal in limiting the loss of lives and property, but it is equally important to train the staff and students on how to evacuate and use fire extinguishers to ensure their safety.
For high-quality fire protection system and fire training, call AFP group now!
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